Set Essay
I have chosen to work on the Set Question n.5 "Discuss and critically analyse the newspaper and other media coverage on Barack Obama’s election victory 5th November 2008 in America." I decided to select this topic because it involved the concept of media coverage and since my progression route is Media & Communication I thought it would be the most relevant out of all the questions. I started off by reading some background information about the election, being 6 at the time, I knew little about the election. After some reading, I researched American newspaper articles that were dated 5th of November 2008 (the day after Obama's victory). These included the Washington Post amongst others. 2 out of the newspapers I analyzed used words of enthusiasm, hyperbole and sensationalism, which appeared as a positive aspect. The majority also described the event as a change for the US society due to Obama's ethnic background. This gave me an idea on how to approach ...