Website- Changes applied for project presentation

Steps taken to modify website:

1. Added a new subpage to the 'Portfolio' page that will be used to display the project (named it informative video)

2. Portfolio page→Add button → Lists & Grids

- I selected the same grid template as the previous project customized it by writing my own title and introduction 

-I double clicked on the text to choose the highlight effect colour

-I changed the image with an image shot by me ↓ (see process down)

-I used the font Palatino Linotype

This is the raw image I shot for the preview of the project

I used the tools of Wix to modify the image:  Cropped image,  Increased brightness, decreased temperature, increased exposure, increased sharpness and used vignette

Final image uploaded: 

3. I used the Parallax effect on the home background strip by pressing 'Change Strip Background' → settings → parallax

The previous website design only had the 'About me' information with no image.

4.  I added a strip with 2 columns placing the information on the right and the image on the left

5. Changed font to Linotype Didot site 66

6. Uploaded project and added button and line 

Add→ button 

Add → shape → lines 

7.  Linked the button to the 'Portfolio' page 

8. Add → text→ Understanding our Dreams and Unconsciousness (Playfair Display bold size 55)

9. Changed the previous image with button in the home page that linked to the 'Portfolio' page

Used a hover box

Add → box → hover box → change image in both regular and hover (image from unsplash) → linked to 'Portfolio' page → change color text from white to black

And finally, looking back at the home page I slightly made the menu bar larger


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