Reflection on my Media Project 2

The Media Project I have carried out this term was probably the one that interested me the most out of the three projects I have created throughout this foundation year. At first, I was unsure on what work on but I wanted it to be related to fashion. I spent the first few weeks thinking of what to create until I had clearer ideas.

I am satisfied with the interview I have made because I believe to have collected essential information for my article. However, I do think that I should have carried out further research. However the topic is  recent and narrow and therefore, most of the relevant articles say essential the same thing but in different ways. The challenge was, in fact, to say it in my own words and style and not imitate others. A second challenge was that the interview occurred at a late time throughout the 9th week and therefore had little time to write my first draft and then my final piece, if the interview had been made earlier I believe the article would have been better. Despite this, I think that the piece of writing was reasonable.I had some issues with LucidPress as the writing exceeded the page limit and therefore couldn't be downloaded. However I managed to find a way out and download the pdf through a payment plan which I then canceled as I only needed it for the article at the moment. 

The Blog was very useful and I tried to utilize it as a sketchbook as much as I could. I would refer back to my blog too see the research and the stages of project development. Much of the work on the website had been already made in the previous term, especially reflecting journalism and writing, but I think that the flip book display for my article was pretty book as it resembled a magazine and I had a positive feeling about this. 

Overall, if I could go back I would possibly plan my interview earlier and take into consideration timing and situations, also explore more ideas to generate a final idea earlier in time. Given that it is August and people are on holiday, I should have finalized my idea earlier so that I could possibly perform my interview at the begging of August if possible, instead of rushing in the last week. 


  1. As I stated in my earlier comments the part where you should have spent most time was on the writing itself as this is what a journalist would do (along with research and interviews) in the future you do need to allow more time for the writing


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