Research on Writers' Sketchbooks

In order to develop my own sketchbook/journal (blog) I had a look at how famous writers used their sketchbooks. I decided to stick with writers because it is most relevant to Journalism or Media and Communication.

Sketchbooks are used by artists as a place to keep their initial ideas and thoughts. Sketchbooks contain all sort of writing, drawings and ideas because it is a place where artists can use their creativity to help them develop work.

The image shown below is an excerpt from Fyodor Dostoevsky's Novel 'Demons'. The page appears pretty messy and filled with writing. A sketchbook our journal is used to keep track of any inspiration from an artist so the drawing on the left side is probably there as it helped him picture the story. There are  also crossed lines showing mistakes, a trial and error process maybe. Trying out different handwriting is seen on the left as well. All of these are ways that helped him develop his novel.

 This second image is by Samuel Beckett's sketches, an Irish Novelist who wrote in English and   French language.
There is a resemblance in these two pages, as they both have writing combined with drawings and signs of mistakes or development. It is clear now that a sketchbook is used to express creativity and free the mind.


These are examples of 18/19 century methods, and nowadays some artists perhaps use different approaches, such as a blog. But personally, I think that writing on paper helps to free ideas more easily, especially if we want to combine drawings to create a vivid image of our story.

For this term, this blog will be used as a digital sketchbook for my project.
I will use it to write down ideas and thoughts to help me develop my project step by step keeping track of the process. I will be as detailed as I can, explaining everything I have in mind. This blog will be viewed more like a place that will help me create a better project rather than extra work, so instead of developing my project in my mind I will use this Blog. It will also help be stay on the correct path because as I mentioned earlier, it keeps track of my process so I always know what comes next.


FIELDING, N. (2018) Thomas Atkinson and Dostoevsky. [Weblog] The Bloggers Karamazov. 21st May. Available from: [Accessed 30/03/20].

POPOVA, M (n.d.) A Rare Look at Samuel Beckett's Doodle- Filled Notebooks. [Weblog] brain pickings. (n.d.).  Available from:  [Accessed 30/03/20].


  1. A good start on this blog post with some interesting work you have looked at. Please make sure you add references underneath the images. Perhaps you could discuss in more detail how you wish to use your digital sketchbook this term.


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