Final Reflection on project

This project was far more challenging than my article for Digital Arts. Having less skills in video making compared to writing, I faced a couple of obstacles that took up a lot of my time. I already discussed the issues faced with the various softwares and copyright free footage in week 6.

In the rest of the 4 weeks I worked on shooting my own footage and adding it to the video, further research and finishing of the project. I did not encounter major problems with these tasks, except for the interview which I think could have been better if done in a closed area, but the circumstances wouldn't allow this. The option of performing an online interview could have solved the problem of the wind noise but the quality of the footage would have been lower (being virtual).

Primary research went well,  I received positive responses and had little to improve.

The major problem I came across was during week, as I was preparing my website for final submission. I had problems trying to upload images and the video itself, it took me about 2 hours to figure out the problem and solve it. Having a Macbook, I use Safari as the browser for all of my online activities. Apparently, Wix wasn't able to upload media from Safari versions lower than 12 (my version is 11). It was the first time I faced this problem because the browser worked perfectly fine with Digital Arts, so I started to panic because I couldn't figure out what was going wrong. To sum up, after spending hours trying to solve the problem, I downloaded Google Chrome and I was able to work with it and upload my project.

 I did my best to improve the composition of my website and to make the project successful. I worked quite hard, although I still think I can do better in future projects. I believe my digital skills and work improved compared to last term.


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