Research on Media Journalists (Major Project)

In this blog post I have researched three different Journalists, each of these researches will help me with different aspects. Diana Sawyer helped me gain some knowledge and ambition for the future while Hanna Dreier and Robert Fisk have helped me achieve some clearer ideas for my major project, on the different characteristics and strategies used by journalists.  

Diane Sawyer is an American television broadcast journalist that has worked for the ABC World news program from 2009 to 2014. Sawyer grew up in Louisville, Kentucky and started off her career by working as a television weather reporter for station WLKY. In 1970 she joined the white house serving the Nixon Ford transition team in 1974. A year later she left politics and returned to television by becoming a news correspondent  in the Washington, D.C bureau of CBS network. Sawyer started to become popular when she became the co-anchor of  the CBS prime time television news magazine 60 minutes. Sawyer left the CBS to join the ABC in 1989 and from 2009 up to 2014 she held the position of  anchor for the ABC's World News.

Diane Sawyer covered a wide range of Journalism in different formats, ranging from investigative reports to interviewing celebrities. She achieved several Emmy Awards in addition to the grand prize of the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards

I chose to discuss and present Diane Sawyer because she is an obvious example of  an empowering woman that has worked with many different reportage topics and that is what I look forward to.

                                                                              Hanna Dreier, The Washington Post

Hanna Dreier is a national reporter for the Washington Post. In 2019, whilst working for ProPublica, Dreier won a Pulitzer Prize for feature writing due to her series of narratives that spoke about Salvadoran immigrants on New York's Long Island, whose lives where crushed by a botched crackdown on the criminal gang MS-13. After graduating from Wesleyan University in Connecticut, Drier spent a few years working for daily newspaper and then eventually became the AP's (Associated Press) Venezuela correspondent for 3 years. In 2016, her series called "Venezuela Undone" was perceived and accredited The American Society of Newspaper Editors and Best American Newspaper Narrative Writing Contest.
Hanna Dreier is clearly an expert in feature writing and her articles will help me understand how to  develop some good methods that will grab the audience's attention and keep them emotionally and mentally captivated on to the article.
I have read one of her articles written in 2018, named "Betrayal" on ProPublica. In this article Dreier is writing about a 17 year old that is faced with deportation and his likely death when he decides to appeal to the authorities and tell them about MS-13, the gang he was a part of.
I have come to an understanding that Dreier uses a vast range of vocabulary and all of them are used to make the story interesting so that the reader is willing to read more and more. The tone used in this story is a little different compared to the tone I am planning on using in my article. She wants to create a sense of mercy and sorrow within the readers and her images help to create it. I want to create a sense of doubt and curiosity because my story is not a tragic narrative. My article will also differ in a matter of perspective as she is recounting the story from the main character's point of view, while I will discuss many different point of views.

                                                                                 Robert Fisk, The Independent

As for the last journalist discussed in this blog we have Robert Fisk, A British journalist and author.

Fisk has been the Middle East correspondent of The Independent for more than the past 30 years, primarily based in Beirut. He began is career as the Belfast correspondent of the Times of London, reporting on the political turmoil Northern Ireland was experiencing in 1972. Fisk has wrote many books and has been awarded with the British Press Awards International Journalist of the Year and Foreign Reporter of the Year throughout his career. He wrote about many important political events such as the Iranian Revolution (1978–79) and the Iran-Iraq War (1980–88), whilst working for the Times of London and as he moved to The Independent he continued to cover the Middle East. He showed resourcefulness and nerve looking for eyewitness accounts during the Afghanistan war (2001–14), and Iraq war (2003–11). In addition, he has been one of the few Western reporters to have interviewed Osama bin Laden. 

"War with Isis: If Saudi Arabia isn't fuelling the militant inferno, who is?"  This is the title of one of
Robert Fisk's articles from 2015, on the Belfast Telegraph Digital. The tone and words used in this writing resemble the ones I will have on my article. Fisk is providing many versions and perspectives of the stories and creating suspense with the use of rhetorical questioning. His works are very informative and useful for my need because he reports on political issues and turmoil, which can be related to a media crisis.  Both articles aim to inform the audience and explain the topic in a direct way but leaving some space for doubt. 

