Draft on Introduction of Article

After completing my interview with Bettina Downing, I created an introduction draft for my article. (This is my first attempt and I still have to work on it)

According to (Reeves and Keeble, 2014), there are many ways to start a feature news article. The examples mentioned in the book are:
  1. The case-study intro
  2. Quote intro
  3. Eye-witness intro
  4. The news intro
  5. Historical  background Intro
  6. Striking contrast into 
  7. The personalized intro
  8. Question intro
  9. The narrative intro

 In this case I have used a "Question Intro" starting off my article with a question. 
 I have written my draft before consulting this book and this book give me proof that I was on the   right track. I also included a peg in this introduction, also referred to as 'hook'.  The 'peg' or 'hook'  "explains why this particular piece is relevant to the audience, and why it is relevant now" (Reeves and Keeble, 2014)  In other words, it wants to give the audience a purpose to read the article.


Keeble, Richard, and Ian Reeves. The Newspapers Handbook, Routledge, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/dmu/detail.action?docID=1770519.
