Initial Ideas on Major Project (Milanote)

For my initial ideas regarding the Major Project, I have created a Milanote board that can display my ideas. My major project will be a feature news article discussing media communication during a crisis. The article's title will be "Media and Disasters: enhancing panic or preventing it?"
In my article I will explain how the media communicates a crisis, the language and strategies used to communicate to the audience and I will also talk about fake news and the impact they have on society. I have researched some information on how to structure a feature news article and I have learned that providing some quotes or ideas taken from an interview that I have made will help support my article by making it more professional. I have decided to interview my media tutor for this year, her name is Bettina Downing. It is a good idea to take a photograph of the interview to add to my website so I can practice some software editing. 
  • I was thinking of using Lightroom by adobe for the editing. 
  •  A flip book creator will be used to display my article.
  • I have added on Milanote some links to information that might help me with the research of my article



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